Did you know that the very first crossword puzzle was created for the New York World publication in 1913? Today, millions of people around the world tackle the New York Times crossword puzzles daily.
Wiebke Denecke (魏樸和) is professor of East Asian Literatures. She was trained in Sinology, Japanology, Korean studies, Philosophy, and Medicine in her native Germany, in Hungary, Norway, Dalian, Taipei, Tokyo, Seoul, and Boston.
Geoff Kocks is a PhD student in Economics at MIT and a research associate at MIT Blueprint Labs, studying labor economics and the economics of education. His research at MIT has examined the long-run benefits of school desegregation and the properties and equity consequences of application systems in school choice settings.
Joanne Leong has a keen interest in understanding our human perception of the world, and designing technologies that complement us and can bring positive change to our lives—in how we learn, work, play, and connect with one another and the things around us.
David is a software developer at MIT App Inventor within the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL). He is interested in the question “What do we need to create so that kids can learn technology with ease?”. David is working on the topic of Conversational AI and building no-code platforms.